Petes Hole Reservoir is located in Sanpete County, Utah and lies within the Manti-La Sal national forest. There are a few different routes into the lake. I prefer the Joes Valley side as the road is better.
From the city of Ephraim take the Ephraim Canyon Road east for about 20 miles. You will see a sign for Soup Bowl and Petes hole. Take Forest Road 0005 south for a mile and a half. This road can get a little rough at times.
From Joes Valley Reservoir follow the main road UT-29 around the lake. Just before the campground the road heads west. Follow the main road for 7.8 miles west until you see the sign for Soup Bowl and Petes Hole.
You can also hike from Marys Lake using the Josephite Point Trail which is 7.5 miles according to the sign.
Fish Species
Most likely catch is rainbow trout, and then tiger trout. Each year around 4,000 rainbow trout are stocked averaging 10". Each year around 4,000 tiger trout are stocked averaging only 4". There is a small number of naturally reproducing cutthroat trout in the reservoir that spawn in it's tributaries. Historically albino trout planted from 2008 to 2012 although it is doubtful any of them are still alive.
Other info
Petes Hole Reservoir was previously named Beaver Dam Reservoir, and sometimes refereed to as Little Petes Hole. There is restrooms located on the northwest side of the reservoir. There are also multiple places to camp nearby.
Up until 2018 it was illegal to fish the tributaries to Petes Hole Reservoir in the first half of the year. This is no longer a regulation. There is a sign at the near one of the creeks that reads. "Important trout spawning habitat. Cutthroat trout spawn in this creek in June. Eggs and young fish remain in the creek until August. Avoiding activities in the creek in summer will allow more fish to survive for your enjoyment." In 2018 the DWR suspended the regulation which was in place to protect Colorado River Cutthroat Trout.
In 1997 the reservoir once again underwent dam repairs. This time to address a leak in the dam.
In 1993 signs and fences were added to help protect riparian areas. The sign reads "Plants growing along streams act as a water filter. They catch sediment and provide stable living conditions (habitat) for fish. Streamside vegetation must be protected from damage by camping, vehicle travel, and livestock overgrazing to assure quality fish habitat."
1975 after the dam repairs the reservoir was restocked with brook trout and cutthroat trout.
In 1973 the reservoir was drained in order to upgrade the dam, improve spillways, and outlet structures.
1967 The Emery County Progress newspaper reports that in recent years brown trout have been caught weighing over 13 pounds and multiple over 6 pounds. In the article the Fish and Game Dept states that they will no longer stock brown trout.
In 1954 there was a group of fisherman on the bank who spotted a bear cub in a tree. One of the fisherman climbed the tree and captured the bear cub. The fisherman fastened a rope leash around the cubs neck and took it back home to Castle Dale to show their friends.
1921 David P Madsen and Co made application to appropriate water from the reservoir to be used by farmers below Cottonwood Creek.
Nearby Places to Fish
Soup Bowl, Sealy Creek, Academy Mill Reservoir, Grassy Lake, Blue Lake #3 (Jewkes), and Joes Valley Reservoir.