
Ensign Ponds is located in North Western Box Elder County, Utah. There are 3 ponds that make up Ensign Ponds which are all drain able for fish collection.

Ensign Ponds is used for raising June Sucker fish. Closed to fishing.


Three 0.4-ha ponds were constructed on a private ranch, the Ensign Ranch, in 2004 to benefit Junesucker and other native fishes. These ponds are fed by mountain springs piped approximately 1 km to a valley depression. They were first used to receive June sucker transferred from Red Butte Reservoir in 2005.

Red Butte Reservoir is typically used for raising june sucker fish. In 2005 the reservoir had to be drained in order to complete dam repairs. The fish that were smaller than 150 mm were transfered to Ensign Ponds. The fish bigger than 150 mm were transferred to Utah Lake. It is thought that after the fish are 150 mm in size they can better avoid predation.

Nearby Fisheries

Rosebud, Camp Creek, Death Creek, Etna Reservoir, and Locomotive Springs.