I separated this into a second post even though we did this the same day as the Chepta Lake Trip. From Chepeta Lake to Pole Creek Lake its only 11 miles on a dirt road. Although it takes about 40 minutes to get there. We parked at the Pole Creek Lake Campground. In October the camp host has gone home for the winter so its free to use. The hike is pretty easy, its around a quarter of a mile if I remember right. It was really windy and we were fishing in the middle of the day when fish are least likely to bite.

After throwing everything in our tackle boxes with no success, we decided to move spots. We walked over to where Pole Creek empties into the lake on the northeast side. The creek is truly beautiful and has a ton of deep holes in it.

The fish were active although they were easily frightened. After stepping quietly and hiding our shadows we started to get some bites.

From what I’ve read there is brook trout, cutthroat trout, and rainbow trout in the creek. We were catching wild rainbow trout and they were absolutely beautiful. This little guy took a worm, but we had a few bites on fly’s as well.

here is another pic of the wild rainbow being released.

This creek has a storied history if you get some time read about some of the gold mines in the area.