
Alexander Lake A-2 is located in Summit County, Utah in the Uinta Mountains. The lake is part of the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest and is part of the Provo River Drainage. From the city of Kamas take the Mirror Lake highway UT-150 for 17.8 miles. Turn onto the Spring Canyon also called FR-041. There is a sign but it is somewhat hidden in the trees. This road is across the street from the Duchesne Tunnel. Head down that dirt road for 2.2 miles but, be warned, it's a washboard for the first half mile. You will see a sign for Lambert Meadows. At this point you will need a high clearance vehicle. The road is more rocks than it is dirt. I typically drive up the road a few hundred feet and then park at the camp site and walk the remainder. If you enjoy crawling over rocks you can drive the 1.8 miles on Lambert Meadows Road FR-107. The lake lies 0.3 miles beyond the Lambert Meadows. If it is later in the summer you can walk across the middle of the meadow then continue for 0.3 miles and you will hit the lake.If you look at the picture of the meadows below you will see a mountain peak in the middle. Aim for that peak when walking to the lake.  Other wise there is a trail 0.5 miles past the meadows on FR - 107 Lambert Meadows Rd. The trail is marked below on the map.

Lambert Meadows Rd

I drove my truck up Lambert Meadows Rd one time. As you can see in the picture you're basically just driving over huge rocks. That is why I now only go a few hundred feet and pull over in the camp spot. Then hike the rest. If you have a side by side you should be fine. I would advise against taking a truck up this road though.

Fish Species

This lake is stocked every 3 years with brook trout. The average stock amount is between 150 and 200. I haven't seen any fish in this lake bigger than 12".


Lambert Lake is named after the nearby Lambert Meadows. The meadows were used as grazing area for Lambert family's sheep. The name was coined around 1921 when Charley Bostard was the familys sheep herder.

Lambert Meadows
A brief history of the Lambert family.

The Kamas valley was named by Samuel F Atwood after a man named Kamas, who traveled through there in the 1830s. The area was called the camas prairie by trappers and Indians. Due to the large amount of camas plant also known as camas lily or Indian hyacinth.The plant could be made into a flower for baking bread or just used as a natural sweetener for other dishes. I've seen the name written as Camast as well by early settlers. The area was also called the Rhoades Valley after Thomas Rhoades. In 1858, Thomas Roades came to the Kamas Valley with 25 men, then returned in 1860. The valley was named the Rhoades Valley until Samuel F. Atwood changed it to Kamas.

John Lambert was an Englishman who enjoyed fisitcuffs, and stood at 6 foot and 200 pounds. He could leap 12 feet from a standing position. He became a body guard for Joseph Smith. In 1861 he helped settle the Rhoades valley and built the first cabin there. John was a importer of sheep and cattle. John had many children and His grandson was Roy Lambert.

Roy Lambert was a rancher from Kamas. He was a game warden for the Fish and Game from 1933 to 1941. Spending a lot of this time in the Uinta Mountains. He was an author of 4 books. He served on the South Summit School Board, and the Summit County commission. Roy was a Utah state representative for two terms. He ran for a 3rd term and lost by 9 votes. He said this was due to him spending most of his time writing his 3rd book. He had inherited his fathers (Johnny Lambert) 112 acre pasture near Kamas, which he sold to one of his sons Duane. His son Duane married my grandmothers sister Lola Reid.

Roy Lambert Books

Kamas With Komets - A history of the city Kamas Utah and surrounding areas.

Weight Of an Angel - A story about the angel Moroni

High Uintas Hi! - I highly recommend this book. it is a novel however it is based on facts about the Uinta mountains and is an amazing read.

An Attempt At Autobiography - A short autobiography of Roy Lambert. You can read this and Kamas With Komets free on the Family Search website.

Other Lambert Namesakes

Shingle Creek was named after Jedediah Lambert who ran a sawmill about a mile below the ledges

Lambert Hollow near Soapstone was named after a mill run by the Lambert Bros. I've researched this a bit and I'm not sure which Lambert's the "Bros" were specifically. It could have been Jed or possibly Dan Lambert who ran a mill near Smith and Morehouse.

Historical DWR Info


LAMBERT, A-2. 2 acres, elevation 9,300 feet, average depth 6 feet, maximum depth 7 feet. 3 1/2 miles north on Spring Canyon Road then east to Lambert Meadows, then 1/2 mile beyond, lake sits in open field. Small population of brook. Hard to catch, but some extremely large fish. Stocked annually.


LAMBERT, A-2. Lambert is a shallow, natural lake with floating banks. It is 2 acres, 9,630 feet in elevation, with 8 feet maximum depth. The lake is situated in a large wet meadow with conifers flanking the southern lake margin. Thick patches of pond lily are common in the shoal areas. Access is 2 miles north of Highway U- 150 on the Spring Canyon Road to the Lambert Meadow turnoff. Proceed northwest on this road past the large meadow to a point where the road turns abruptly west; and then head northeast on foot for 300 yards to the lake. Camping opportunities are limited, and spring water is unavailable.
Lambert Lake is stocked with brook trout.