joshmobile wrote a new post 6 years, 9 months ago
Welcome to Utah’s weekly outdoor news. In the week of June 22nd 2018 there was lot of fires, fishing and freaking out about algae blooms. Browsing through Facebook and other forums we noticed lots of pictures […]
joshmobile wrote a new post 6 years, 9 months ago
I was traveling last week so this post will cover the last two weeks of Utah’s outdoor News. Today is June 15th 2018.
In the NewsMy old boss launched a pretty cool outdoor app called Bivy. The app will guide […] -
joshmobile wrote a new post 6 years, 10 months ago
Welcome to Utah’s Outdoor News for the week of June 1st 2018. Last weekend was Memorial day which meant most of Utah went camping. I saw several reports of campgrounds being at max capacity around the state. […]
joshmobile wrote a new post 6 years, 10 months ago
Utah’s outdoor news for the week of May 25th 2018. Memorial day weekend is upon us, which mean several canyons will now be open for the season. The white bass spawn was still going strong this week.
Canyon […] -
joshmobile wrote a new post 6 years, 10 months ago
Utah’s outdoor news for the week of May 18th 2018. The white bass spawn started to get hot this week. Although finding the schools of fish could be very challenging. The hunt permits were drawn last […]
joshmobile wrote a new post 6 years, 10 months ago
This week in Utah’s Outdoor News in the second week of May 2018, temperatures heated up and sportsman headed to the outdoors. I’m going to try and do a recap each week of the hot topics being discussed online. I […]
joshmobile started the topic Lindon Marina 5/7/18-5/10/18 in the forum General fishing 6 years, 10 months ago
Fished Utah Lake at Lindon marina that last 4 days in a row. The good thing about working nearby is I can go fishing for lunch each day. The bad thing is the fishing is usually the worst in the middle of the day so catching is never really hot. I’ve been fishing off of the dikes in the marina from shore. With the heat spell we had this week I was…[Read more]
joshmobile started the topic In search of ice 12-3-17 in the forum General fishing 7 years, 3 months ago
Went looking for some ice to fish on in Fairview Canyon. Many people last week were saying that Huntington is mostly froze. We figured by now it should be a solid 4 inches. We were shocked to find it had about 90% open water. We decided to fish from shore and try our luck.
We could hear a large heard of elk on the south side of the lake being…[Read more]
joshmobile replied to the topic 10-8-17 Fishing Uinta Basin in the forum General fishing 7 years, 5 months ago
here is another pic of the river. You can see the green mixing with the brown water.
joshmobile started the topic 10-8-17 Fishing Uinta Basin in the forum General fishing 7 years, 5 months ago
Last week end we went elk hunting near Roosevelt. After working our asses off hiking the Uintas with nothing to show for it, we decided to do some exploring. Often times when I’m bored I browse Google Maps looking for new places to fish. There was a few lakes near Roosevelt that were on my bucket list so we went to try our luck. The first lake on…[Read more]
joshmobile started the topic fishing the Murdock Basin region of the Uintas 8-6-17 in the forum General fishing 7 years, 7 months ago
A couple of week back I went camping in the Uintas with a good group of friends. We decided to camp around the Murdock Basin area due to it’s easy access to multiple lakes. I’ve been in this area multiple times and have also broken multiple parts on my truck, due to the rocky Murcock Basin Road. Luckily this trip we had a bunch of side by side 4…[Read more]
joshmobile started the topic Lunch break fishing American Fork Pond 8-16-17 in the forum General fishing 7 years, 7 months ago
We went and fished our lunch break in American Fork. Hit up a small pond hoping to hook into some brown trout. We had to stop and buy worms so we didn’t have much time to fish left in our lunch break. The pond is down a couple of feet since spring time. Although the fish were jumping and eating a lot. We didn’t catch anything although we did see…[Read more]
joshmobile started the topic Lindon Marina 5-12-17 in the forum General fishing 7 years, 10 months ago
Fished Lindon Marina at Utah Lake today during my lunch break. The White bass were active and biting right off the shore. The action was hot, but then the wind got real bad, so I left back to work. I was using a green tube jig tipped with a night crawler.
joshmobile started the topic Utah Lake State Park 5-8-2017 in the forum General fishing 7 years, 10 months ago
Hit up the Utah Lake State Park on my lunch break today. Fished the south end where the Provo river enters the lake. Tossed out a bunch of spinners and jigs with no success. I’ve now been skunked at Utah lake ten times in a row. I didn’t see any of the other angles having any luck either. I will hit it again tomorrow and see how that pans out.
joshmobile wrote a new post 8 years, 1 month ago
The goal of June Sucker is to build a single Utah fishing reference. In order to pull this off I’ve done an incredible amount of research, and driven an insane amount of miles. Trying to visit every fishing spot […]
joshmobile wrote a new post 8 years, 2 months ago
Have you ever wondered what the largest lakes in Utah are? So did I but there wasn’t a good source online. In fact the only web page I could find was horribly inaccurate and missing several lakes. So I decided to […]
joshmobile started the topic Strawberry Reservoir 12/29/2016 in the forum General fishing 8 years, 3 months ago
We fished Strawberry Reservoir near the Strawberry Bay Marina. The ice was anywhere from 2 – 4 inches, with it being thicker by shore and pretty scary thin the further we went out. We caught 4 cutthroat total all in the slot. Two of them on tube jigs and the other two on ice flies.
joshmobile started the topic Flaming Gorge 12/27/2016 in the forum General fishing 8 years, 3 months ago
We fished Flaming Gorge in the Lost Dog area in about 30 feet of water. We got there just a little before sundown and fished for about 4 hours. All together we caught five fish, two pup macs, two burbot, and a rainbow trout. We got a few other bites as well, all off the bottom. We did a drive by of buckboard and it still had open water.
Pup…[Read more]
joshmobile started the topic 12/22/16 scofield reservoir in the forum General fishing 8 years, 3 months ago
Fished Scofield Reservoir in the dam arm, in about 25 feet of water. The ice was almost a foot thick. Fishing was slow and the bite was really soft. Most of the fish we caught were on the jaw jacker. We were hoping to get a bunch of chub to use for bait. Between two people we only caught about ten chubs. We also caught 4 rainbows and 4 cutthroat…[Read more]
joshmobile started the topic 12/22/16 scofield reservoir in the forum General fishing 8 years, 3 months ago
Fished Scofield Reservoir in the damn arm, in about 25 feet of water. The ice was almost a foot thick. Fishing was slow and the bite was really soft. Most of the fish we caught were on the jaw jacker. We were hoping to get a bunch of chub to use for bait. Between two people we only caught about ten chubs. We also caught 4 rainbows and 4 cutthroat…[Read more]
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